Function (2)

Exercise 6

Below is a source code to return a maximum among five numbers. Write the source code, save it as "func6.c", and confirm whether it can run properly.

#include <stdio.h>

int max_return(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e)
  int max;

  max = a;

  if(max < b) max = b;
  if(max < c) max = c;
  if(max < d) max = d;
  if(max < e) max = e;

  return (max);


int main(void)
  int d0, d1, d2, d3, d4;
  int max;

  printf("Input 5 integers\n");
  scanf("%d %d %d %d %d", &d0, &d1, &d2, &d3, &d4);

  max = max_return(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4);

  printf("Maximum = %d\n", max);

  return (0);
(Execution result)
$ ./a.out
Input 5 integers
2 8 3 6 5
Maximum = 8

Exercise 7

In similarity to func6.c, below is a source code to determine a maximum among five integers. Write the source code, complement the expression hidden by "******" and save it as "func7.c". Confirm whether it can run properly.

#include <stdio.h>

void max_return(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e, int *max)

  *max = a;

  if(*max < b) *max = b;
  if(*max < c) *max = c;
  if(*max < d) *max = d;
  if(*max < e) *max = e;


int main(void)
  int d0, d1, d2, d3, d4;
  int max;

  printf("Input 5 integers\n");
  scanf("%d %d %d %d %d", &d0, &d1, &d2, &d3, &d4);


  printf("Maximum = %d\n", max);

  return (0);


Exercise 8

In similarity to func7.c, below is a source code to determine a maximum among five integers. In this programming, five integers are input into array. Write the source code, complement the expression hidden by "******" and save it as "func8.c". Confirm whether it can run properly.

#include <stdio.h>

void max_return(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e, int *max)

  *max = a;

  if(*max < b) *max = b;
  if(*max < c) *max = c;
  if(*max < d) *max = d;
  if(*max < e) *max = e;


int main(void)
  int d[10];
  int max, i;

  printf("Input 5 integers\n");
  for(i=0; i<5; i++)
      scanf("%d", &d[i]);


  printf("Maximum = %d\n", max);

  return (0);

Exercise 9

In similarity to func8.c, below is a source code to determine a maximum among five integers. In this programming, address of array into which five integers are input is used in a function, "max_return". Write the source code, complement the expression hidden by "******" and save it as "func9.c". Confirm whether it can run properly.

#include <stdio.h>

void max_return(int a[], int *max)
  int i;

  *max = a[0];

  for(i=1; i<5; i++)
      if(*max < a[i]) *max = a[i];

int main(void)
  int d[10];
  int max, i;

  printf("Input 5 integers\n");
  for(i=0; i<5; i++)
      scanf("%d", &d[i]);


  printf("Maximum = %d\n", max);

  return (0);

Exercise 10

In similarity to func9.c, below is a source code to determine a maximum among five integers. In this programming, pointer is used in a function, "max_return". Write the source code, complement the expression hidden by "******" and save it as "func10.c". Confirm whether it can run properly.

#include <stdio.h>

void max_return(int *a, int *max)
  int i;


  for(i=1; i<5; i++){
      if(*max < *a) *max = *a;
(2)   ******************************************

int main(void)
  int d[10];
  int max, i;

  printf("Input 5 integers\n");
  for(i=0; i<5; i++)
      scanf("%d", &d[i]);


  printf("Maximum = %d\n", max);

  return (0);

Exercise 11

Using any source code among func6.c to func10.c, program to show maximum and minimum among five intergers, save it as "func11.c", confirm whether it can run properly.

(Execution result)
$ ./a.out
Input 5 integers
2 8 3 6 5
Maximum = 8
Minimum = 2

Exercise 12

Based on Exercise 11, program to show maximum and minimum among arbitrary number of intergers, save it as "func12.c", confirm whether it can run properly.

(Execution result)
$ ./a.out
Input integers repeatedly
Exit by Ctrl-d
18  <- Ctrl-d
Maximum = 21
Minimum = -31

Lessons for C programming
Junichi Susaki, Kyoto University