Function (1)

Exercises 1 to 5 calculate BMI (Body Mass Index), an index related to obesity, with input of height and weight. Final program is composed of a few functions. Start with Exercise 1 step by step.

Exercise 1

Below is a source code to calculate BMI with input of height and weight. In the source code, a function, "bmi_cal", is defined to calculate BMI. Write the source code, save it as "func1.c", and confirm whether it can run properly.

    Calculation of BMI (Body Mass Index)

#include <stdio.h>

double bmi_cal(double h, double w) {

  // BMI = weight(kg) / height(m) / height(m) 

  return w/h/h;

int main(void) {

  double height, weight, bmi;

  printf("Input height(m) and weight(kg) ");
  scanf("%lf%lf", &height, &weight);

  // Calculation of BMI
  bmi = bmi_cal(height, weight);
  printf("%5.2f m, %6.2f kg: BMI = %6.2f\n", height, weight, bmi);  

  return (0);
(Execution result)
$ ./a.out
Input height(m) and weight(kg) 1.65 70
 1.65 m,  70.00 kg: BMI =  25.71

Exercise 2

Below is a source code to calculate BMI with input of height and weight. In the source code, a function, "bmi_cal", is defined to calculate BMI. Write the source code, complement the expression hidden by "******" and save it as "func2.c". Confirm whether it can run properly.

    Calculation of BMI (Body Mass Index) and Standard weight

#include <stdio.h>

double bmi_cal(double h, double w) {

  // BMI = weight(kg) / height(m) / height(m) 

  return w/h/h;

double std_weight(double h) {

  // Standard weight (kg) = height(m) * height(m) * 22

  return h*h*22; 

int main(void) {

  double height, weight, bmi, sweight;

  printf("Input height(m) and weight(kg) ");
  scanf("%lf%lf", &height, &weight);

  // Calculation of BMI
  bmi = bmi_cal(height, weight);

  printf("%5.2f m, %6.2f kg: BMI = %6.2f\n", height, weight, bmi);

  // Calculation of standard weight
  sweight = std_weight(***********);

  printf("%5.2f m, %6.2f kg: Standard weight = %6.2f kg\n", height, weight, sweight);  

  return (0);
(Execution result)
$ ./a.out
Input height(m) and weight(kg) 1.60 68.5
 1.60 m,  68.50 kg: BMI =  26.76
 1.60 m,  68.50 kg: Standard weight =  56.32 kg

Exercise 3

Below source code is almost same as func2.c, but values returned by function are different. With reference to such difference, type the source code and save it as "func3.c".

    Calculation of BMI (Body Mass Index) and Standard weight

#include <stdio.h>

void bmi_cal(double h, double w) {

  // BMI = weight(kg) / height(m) / height(m) 

  printf("%5.2f m, %6.2f kg: BMI = %6.2f\n", h, w, w/h/h);  

void std_weight(double h) {

  // Standard weight (kg) = height(m) * height(m) * 22

  printf("%5.2f m: Standard weight = %6.2f kg\n", h, h*h*22);  

int main(void) {

  double height, weight;

  printf("Input height(m) and weight(kg) ");
  scanf("%lf%lf", &height, &weight);

  // Calculation of BMI
  bmi_cal(height, weight);

  // Calculation of standard weight

  return (0);
(Execution result)
$ ./a.out
Input height(m) and weight(kg) 1.60 68.5
 1.60 m, 68.50 kg: BMI =  26.76
 1.60 m, Standard weight =  56.32 kg

Exercise 4

Based on func2.c, below source code is intended to show message of obesity. Write the source code, complement the expression hidden by "******" and save it as "func4.c". Confirm whether it can run properly.

    Calculation of BMI (Body Mass Index) and Standard weight

#include <stdio.h>

double bmi_cal(double h, double w) {

  // BMI = weight(kg) / height(m) / height(m) 

  return w/h/h;

double std_weight(double h) {

  // Standard weight (kg) = height(m) * height(m) * 22

  return h*h*22; 

void message(double h, double w, double bmi, double sweight) {
  printf("%5.2f m, %6.2f kg: BMI = %6.2f\n", h, w, w/h/h);  
  printf("%5.2f m: Standard weight = %6.2f kg\n", h, h*h*22);  

  if (bmi < 18.5) {
    printf("You have low weight\n");

  } else if (bmi < 25) {
    printf("You have normal weight\n");

  } else if (bmi < 30) {
    printf("Obesity (1st-degree)\n");

  } else if (bmi < 35) {
    printf("Obesity (2nd-degree)\n");

  } else if (bmi < 40) {
    printf("Obesity (3rd-degree)\n");

  } else {
    printf("Obesity (4th-degree)\n");

int main(void) {

  double height, weight, bmi, sweight;

  printf("Input height(m) and weight(kg) ");
  scanf("%lf%lf", &height, &weight);

  // Calculation of BMI
  bmi = bmi_cal(height, weight);

  printf("%5.2f m, %6.2f kg: BMI = %6.2f\n", h, w, bmi);

  // Calculation of standard weight
  sweight = std_weight(***********);

  // Message of obesity

  return (0);
(Execution result)
$ ./a.out
Input height(m) and weight(kg) 1.60 68.5
 1.60 m,  68.50 kg: BMI =  26.76
 1.60 m, Standard weight =  56.32 kg
Obesity (1st-degree)

Exercise 5

Based on func4.c, we want to keep showing the program until Ctrl-d is input. Write the source code to meet this requirement using while-loop or for-loop, save it as "func5.c", and confirm whether it can run properly.

(Execution result)
$ ./a.out

[No. 1] Input height(m) and weight(kg) 1.80 78
 1.80 m,  78.00 kg: BMI =  24.07
 1.80 m,  Standard weight =  71.28 kg
You have low weight

[No. 2] Input height(m) and weight(kg) 1.56 70
 1.56 m,  70.00 kg: BMI =  28.76
 1.56 m,  Standard weight =  53.54 kg
Obesity (1st-degree)

[No. 3] Input height(m) and weight(kg) 1.60 90
 1.60 m,  90.00 kg: BMI =  35.16
 1.60 m,  Standard weight =  56.32 kg
Obesity (3rd-degree)

[No. 4] Input height(m) and weight(kg)  <- Ctrl + d

Lessons for C programming
Junichi Susaki, Kyoto University